AALDERS, Joseph John Sr. married Nov 30 1990 Clinton, Henry Co, Mo to MEADS, Renita D. - Obituary ABART, Gailard Brandon married Dec 21 1942 to GILLILAN, Mary Frances - Obituary ABDOLER, Leonard John "Jack" married Nov 6 1949 to BEISSENHERZ, Elizabeth Katherine - Obituary ABERCROMBIE, William married Mar 14 1861 Henry Co, MO to DUKE, Charlotte by Thomas W. Mallory, J.P. - Williams HC Records ABERNATHY, Philip married Jan 1880 Henry Co, MO to HUFFMAN, Mary E. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed ABNEY, Franklin Ward married Dec 22 1926 to ADKINS, Beulah Beryl - Obituary ABNEY, Harry A. married Sep 20 1948 Springfield, Greene Co, MO to DENTON, Eva M. - Obituary ABRAHAM, Leo Joseph married Feb 14 1949 to WISDOM, Etta Lou - Obituary ACKER, Charley Everette married Jan 15 1944 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co, KS to ZIEGEL, Dorothy Margaret - Obituary ACKER, Garland married Jan 22 1930 Sedalia, Pettis Co, MO to EGBERT, Norma Chloa - Obituary ACKER, Harvey Paul married Dec 31 1930 Sedalia, Pettis Co, MO to WALKUP, Margaret Fern - Obituary ACKER, Robert Philip married Dec 24 1936 Sedalia, Pettis Co, MO to SMART, Edna L. - Obituary ACKERMAN, Clarence married 1892 to TRUSHELL, Sarah C. - Obituary ACKERMAN, Ira Winfred married Feb 8 1899 to JONES, Annie E. - Obituary ACKEY, Arthur L. (age 21, Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS) married Nov 17 1955 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ROARK, Phyllis K. (under age 18, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. M. W. Roark, mother of Phyllis K. gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:32 ACKLIN, Harvey John married Mar 30 1931 Baxter County, AR to CLARK, Opal E. - Obituary ACOCK, Robert Easton married Jun 9 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to McCULLOCK, Lucy C. - Williams SC Records ACREE, William A. married Aug 9 1964 to LUCAS, Neva I. - Obituary ADAIR, Clay (son of Joseph & Margaret PAYNE ADAIR) married Nov 22 1892 to GUTRIDGE, Ollie M. (dau of John W. & Elizabeth PIGG GUTRIDGE) - HCMO 1919 History Pg:293 ADAIR, Emil married Jul 17 1940 to KAYLOR, Mary E. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ADAIR, George Emery married Apr 13 1938 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to WOOD, Helen Louise - Obituary ADAIR, Ivan married Apr 9 1940 to HARVEY, Arlene by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ADAIR, James (son of Isaac & Nancy SLAYTON ADAIR) married Jan 3 1905 to WAUGH, Minnie (dau of John & Julia Ann HAMILTON WAUGH) - HCMO 1919 History Pg:791 ADAIR, John Arthur married 1916 to SIGLER, Byrna Marguerite - Obituary ADAIR, Joseph Arthur married Nov 18 1939 Columbia, Boone Co, MO to LEWIS, Jacqueline - Obituary ADAIR, Ray Finis married Apr 21 1917 Osage Iron Town, Camden Co, MO to BURNS, Elzie - Obituary ADAIR, William (son of Abner J. & Mary ADKINS ADAIR) married Mar 17 1853 probably Jackson Co, MO to FUQUA, Dorcas A. (a native of Kentucky) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:660 ADAMS, Barney E. married Apr 4 1942 Memphis, Scotland Co, MO to McALISTER, Hazel - Obituary ADAMS, Bert married Nov 16 1968 to ANGLIN, Wanita - Obituary ADAMS, Dwight Claude married Mar 1952 to TUTOR, Ruby - Obituary ADAMS, Eldon L. married Dec 11 1943 Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS to BEACH, Lenora Margaret - Obituary ADAMS, Joe E. married Jan 29 1939 Independence, Jackson Co, MO to WADE, Nettie Eunice - Obituary ADAMS, Lewis E. "Buster" married Dec 31 1953 Calhoun First Baptist Church, Henry Co, MO to RUCKER, Shirley May - Obituary ADAMS, Robert D. married 1942 to SMITH, Clara O. "Peggy" - Obituary ADAMS, Robert McKinley married Feb 2 1915 Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO to KISNER, Mary Edna - Obituary ADAMS, Roger (Chicago, Cooke Co, IL) married Sep 8 1971 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to FRENCH, Rose (Greenridge, Pettis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:20 ADAMSON, W. W. (a native of Vernon Co, MO, son of William & Frances ARBUCKLE ADAMSON) married Oct 1869 Henry Co, MO to FINKS, Eliza (of Henry Co, MO, dau of Capt. Mark FINKS) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:605 ADAMSON, W. W. married 1869 Henry Co, MO to FINKS, Eliza - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0047 ADAMSON, William married Aug 27 1840 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to ARBUCKLE, Frances Jane by Jonathan Sweeny, J.P. - Williams HC Records ADAMSON, William W. "Dode" married 1869 to FINKS, Eliza C. - Obituary ADCOCK, James D. married Oct 19 1854 Henry Co, MO to CUNNINGHAM, Mary by Daniel Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records ADCOCK, John F. married Mar 5 1885 Archie, Cass Co, MO to SINGLETON, Sarah Craig "Sallie" - Obituary ADDINGTON, James married Nov 18 1855 St. Clair Co, MO to ALRIGHT, Ann - Williams SC Records ADDISON, William E. (age 41, Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Dec 5 1959 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to COUZENS, Dorothy Louise (age 21, Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:50 ADKINS, Henry (son of Malcolm Adkins, near Montrose) married Dec 25 1919 home of bride's parents, Clinton, Henry Co, MO to HUEY, Ruth (dau of A. R. HUEY, Clinton) by Rev. Hoos - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0061 ADKINS, Henry Merritt married Dec 25 1919 to HUEY, Ruth Hammond - Obituary ADKINS, Joe H. (of LaDue, MO, son of Mrs. Mattie Adkins) married 1920 parsonage, Henry Co, MO to TURK, Ella (of Mt. Carmel neighborhood, youngest dau of James S. Turk) by Rev. Raney - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0067 ADKINS, Joseph T. married Dec 12 1897 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to WIRTH, Louise Mae - Obituary ADLER, Benjamin (son of Samuel & Regina ADLER) married Dec 15 1884 to KOHNER, Julia (of Meridian, MS a dau of Doctor KOHNER) - HCMO 1919 History Pg:407 ADRAIN, Walter Joseph "Joe" married Oct 14 1950 to BLACKWELL, Patsy Ann - Obituary AERY, Roger Joseph married Sep 29 1973 to THOMAS, Linda Sue - Obituary AGEE, Cecil James married Apr 17 1947 Windsor, Henry Co, MO to EGBERT, Alma Doris - Obituary AGEE, Glenn married Sep 22 1977 Miami, Ottawa Co, OK to COTTINGHAM, Muriel - Obituary AGRUSA, Salvatore R. married Aug 3 1993 Warsaw Assembly of God Church, Benton Co, MO to SHOEMAKER, Connie Sue - Obituary AHRENDT, L. E. married Jul 11 1938 to IRELAND, Thelma by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AHRENDT, Louis Julius married Apr 9 1953 to WINN, Mary Ellen WINN - Obituary AKE, Chester A. married Dec 17 1948 to PAUL, Eliza Angeletta - Obituary AKE, John Paul married Nov 29 1975 Deepwater, Henry Co, MO to GREENWELL, Ronda June - Obituary AKEN, Edward married Jun 10 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to COPENHAVER, Purlina - Williams SC Records AKER, Preston Eugene married Aug 9 1940 Platte City, Platte Co, MO to WALTERS, Opal Lucille - Obituary AKERS, Elver C. married Jan 7 1921 Corpus Christi, Nueces Co, TX to TEEMAN, Augusta Henrietta - Obituary AKERS, George married Mar 9 1929 Henry Co, MO to ANGLIN, Beulah Laura Ann - Obituary AKERS, Herschell R. married Jun 7 1923 to KAST, Cleo Marie - Obituary AKERS, James married Aug 11 1853 Henry Co, MO to BLEVINS, Juliann by James Freeman, J.H.C.C. - Williams HC Records AKERS, Kenneth H. married Jul 15 1939 to WALDEN, Lois Aletta by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AKERS, Robert O. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 20 1954 to WITHERSPOON, Mary Marie (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AKINS, Drue Henry (Garden City, Cass Co, MO) married Oct 18 1950 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to PHILLIPS, Harriet Ann (Garden City, Cass Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:43 ALBER, Dan R. (Kansas City, MO) married Nov 17 1969 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to FOX, Marilyn E. (Overland Park, Johnson Co, KS) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:57 ALBIN, Daniel Lee married Nov 8 1878 Ohio to HOUGH, Harriett Melissa - Obituary ALBIN, Harold Leroy married Sep 21 1947 to CASELMAN, Lois Ruth - Obituary ALBIN, Howard Shelby (age 18, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 29 1966 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HARGETT, Jessie Jo (age 15, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - H. E. Albin, father of Howard Shelby and Mrs. Ida Hargett, mother of Jessie Jo were present and gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:39 ALBIN, Lewis Comer married Mar 21 1859 to WISE, Caroline - Obituary ALBIN, Lyle Jennings married Nov 25 1937 to VICK, Rosa Cleo - Obituary ALBRECHT, Bernie married 1964 to WILSON, Janet - Obituary ALBRIGHT, William Dale married Jun 27 1978 to WITHERSPOON, Helen Mae - Obituary ALCORN, Harold Carter married Jan 1 1938 Ionia, Missouri to BROCKMAN, Ozetta Agnes - Obituary ALCORN, William Wilson married Oct 2 1880 to GRAY, Ida Mary - Obituary ALCORN, William Wilson married Dec 10 1868 to MAXON, Lydia A. - Obituary ALCORN, Wilson W. married Apr 21 1945 Sullivan, Missouri to WILLIAMS, Ehtel Louise - Obituary ALDERMAN, Leslie married Aug 30 1946 to LUPTON, Josephine Louise - Obituary ALDERSON, Lawrence married Apr 1975 to RENFRO, Venita Christina - Obituary ALDERTON, Virgil married Feb 14 1991 Windsor Methodist Church, Henry Co, MO to FAJEN, Verna - Obituary ALDRICK, Jonathan married Aug 11 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to FALL, Lucinda - Williams SC Records ALENDER, James S. married Nov 3 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to GIBBENS, Frances - Williams SC Records ALENSON, Mark married May 17 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to LUKENBILL, Mary C. - Williams SC Records ALEXANDER, Charles Ramsey (age 33, Middle Haddam, Middlesex Co, CT) married Mar 20 1963 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to MURPHY, Barbara (age 29, Bridgeport, Fairfield Co, CT) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:17 ALEXANDER, Charles S. married Oct 24 1942 to SEVIER, Bessie Irene - Obituary ALEXANDER, James married Mar 23 1843 Henry Co, MO to MUSGRAVE, Martha by Whitmill Holland, J.P. - Williams HC Records ALEXANDER, Paul married Feb 14 1848 to ROWLAND, Caroline Elizabeth - Obituary ALEXANDER, Raymond Lawrence married Apr 17 1959 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to ENGLAND, Edna - Obituary ALEXANDER, Russell Wayne married Jun 23 2001 Clinton Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Henry Co, MO to MITCHELL, Carrie - Obituary ALEXANDER, Walter Fount married Apr 12 1888 to WADDELL, Lillie - Obituary ALEXANDER, Wiley H. married May 12 1892 to GRAGG, Lillie - HCMO 1919 History Pg:386 ALFORD, Joe married Feb 5 1977 Hamilton, Caldwell Co, MO to HOUTS, Linda Lou - Obituary ALFTER, Peter married May 18 1873 probably Moniteau Co, MO to MAJORS, Emma L. (a native of Ohio) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:491 ALLEN, Albert M. (son of L. C. ALLEN) married Feb 8 1877 probably Henry Co, MO to WHITE, Nannie (a native of Pike Co, IL, dau of Joseph WHITE) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:675 ALLEN, Albert M. (son of Lewis & Elizabeth F. PACE ALLEN) married Feb 8 1877 to WHITE, Nannie E. (a native of Pike Co, IL, dau of Joseph & Lavina MITCHELL WHITE) - HCMO 1919 History Pg:775 ALLEN, Albert M. married Feb 8 1877 to WHITE, Nannie Elizabeth - Obituary ALLEN, Alva Franklin Jr. married Jul 28 1978 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to TULLIS, Beverly Lou - Obituary ALLEN, Brian D. married Sep 3 1985 Windsor, Henry Co, MO to CRAWFORD, Lynda L. - Obituary ALLEN, Charles H. married Jan 24 1861 Henry Co, MO to HINES, Susan E. by George N. Pierce, M.G. - Williams HC Records ALLEN, Charles Leonard married Sep 4 1954 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to LANGLEY, Virginia Lou - Obituary ALLEN, Cletis Dean married Mar 17 1957 Windsor First Christian Church, Henry Co, MO to STOUTIMORE, Shelby Jeanne - Obituary ALLEN, Clyde Lee married Nov 4 1956 Windsor, Henry Co, MO to BOTTS, Doris Jean - Obituary ALLEN, Fillis See married Jul 18 1856 Henry Co, MO to JONES, S. Catharine by William White, Min. - Williams HC Records ALLEN, Frances married Jul 8 1858 Henry Co, MO to BENNETT, Matilda by J. Shanks, J.P. - Williams HC Records ALLEN, Francis H. "Judge" married 1955 to HOGAN, Margaret Warner - Obituary ALLEN, George (a native of Virginia) married date not given Kentucky to CRISSMAN, Parmelia (of Cumberland Co, KY) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:675 ALLEN, George (a native of Virginia) married date not given Kentucky to HILLIS, Hettie - HCMO 1883 History Pg:675 ALLEN, George J. (son of George Jones & Esther M. MITCHELL ALLEN) married Apr 22 1874 probably Henry Co, MO to FISHER, Bettie J. (dau of Jacob & Jane E. FISHER of Howard Co, MO) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:626 ALLEN, George Jones married Apr 17 1833 probably East Tennessee to MITCHELL, Esther M. (dau of William & Nancy MITCHELL) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:626 ALLEN, George R. married 1869 to SHANKLAND, Sarah - Obituary ALLEN, Gilbert Neal married Oct 29 1948 Brunswick, Chariton Co, MO to RATHBURN, Erma Johnetta - Obituary ALLEN, Harold W. Dr. (Lathrop, Clinton Co, MO) married Jun 1 1953 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SHAFFNER, Delores M. (Lathrop, Clinton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:78 ALLEN, Henry married Sep 1872 to SHREWSBURY, Mary "Mamie" - Obituary ALLEN, James married Jul 20 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to WILLIAMS, Mary - Williams SC Records ALLEN, James E. (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Apr 8 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to McCOWN, Connie Sue (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:49 ALLEN, James E. married Dec 10 1952 to PRATT, Marylu - Obituary ALLEN, Jefferson D. married Jan 25 1881 to REED, Ellen - Obituary ALLEN, Lee R. (Silver Lake, Shawnee Co, KS) married Feb 23 1955 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ARNOLD, Mayme A. (Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:16 ALLEN, Lewis C. (son of George & Parmelia CRISSMAN ALLEN) married Mar 17 1853 probably Cumberland Co, KY to PACE, Fannie (of Lewis Co, MO, dau of Thomas & Dosia WILLIAMS PACE) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:675 ALLEN, Lewis C. married Mar 17 1853 Kentucky to PAGE, Elizabeth - Obituary ALLEN, Ralph Eugene married Jun 26 1938 Sedalia, Pettis Co, MO to WAGNER, Marjorie "Marge" - Obituary ALLEN, Robert W. (son of George Jones & Esther M. MITCHELL ALLEN) married Oct 9 1879 probably Henry Co, MO to SUTHERLAND, Sallie (dau of Judge W. L. & Margaret J. SUTHERLAND) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:626 ALLEN, Ross C. married 1955 to YOUNT, Walsie Marie - Obituary ALLEN, Stuart married Jan 13 1934 Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO to GREGORY, LaVerna Alberta - Obituary ALLEN, Thomas J. married Dec 4 1864 St. Clair Co, MO to CLARKSON, Flora - Williams SC Records ALLEN, Walter E. married Jun 2 1948 to SNODDY, Genevieve "Jinx" - Obituary ALLEN, Wilber Stanley married Dec 21 1935 Higginsville, Lafayette Co, MO to ZINK, Georgia Alice - Obituary ALLEN, William Cidney married 1864 to BAKER, Nancy - Obituary ALLEN, William Cidney married 1890 to McNETT, Malinda - Obituary ALLEN, William M. (son of George Jones & Esther M. MITCHELL ALLEN) married date not given probably Henry Co, MO to HARRIS, Julia M. (dau of Aurelius B. & Eliza HARRIS) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:626 ALLEN, William Thomas married Jul 21 1945 Kansas to NELSON, Myrtle Irene - Obituary ALLENSON, John R. married May 12 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to PRIDGEON, Martha Jane - Williams SC Records ALLEY, Raymond B. married Sep 1 1920 to COWNA, Florence Ellen - Obituary ALLIS, Garland Valentine married Mar 3 1911 to McGINNESS, Vesta - Obituary ALLIS, Ralph C. married Jul 23 1935 Deepwater, Henry Co, MO to MOORE, Waneta Dell - Obituary ALLISON, Ephraim (a native of Cooper Co, MO, son of Thomas & Lydia JONES ALLISON) married May 28 1868 probably Saline Co, MO to McCARTY, Ruth (a native of Saline Co, MO) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:490 ALLISON, Ephraim Ball Judge Capt married May 28 1868 to McCARTY, Ruth - Obituary ALLISON, Nebartus S. "Andy" married Mar 1 1928 to WHITEMAN, LouElla Ardella - Obituary ALLISON, Phillip Ray (under age 21, Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO) married Mar 10 1969 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ILER, Carol Jenene (under age 18, Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Dorothy Moore, mother of Phillip Ray Allison and Harper John Iler, father of Carol Jenene gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:38 ALLISON, Robert George married Nov 22 1959 Mt. Zion Church, Henry Co, MO to BLACKWELL, Helen Ruth - Obituary ALLISON, Thomas (a native of North Carolina, son of Ephraim ALLISON) married date not given Cooper Co, MO to JONES, Lydia (a native of Kentucky) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:490 ALLISON, William H. (a native of Cooper Co, MO) married Nov 7 1869 probably Henry Co, MO to SPARKS, Mollie E. (of Kentucky) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:491 ALLRED, James William (Kansas City, Wyandotte Co, KS) married Jul 11 1962 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WALLACE, Rosemary Leota (under age 18, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Elsie Wallace, mother of Rosemary Leota gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:8 ALMOND, Jonah M. (Whiteman AFB, Johnson Co, MO) married Dec 21 1957 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WILLIAMS, Selma M. (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:84 ALMOND, William E. married 1962 to GILLIOM, Edna Elizabeth - Obituary ALSOP, Harold Dean married Feb 8 1941 Girard, Crawford Co, KS to GORDON, Polly - Obituary ALVIS, Glen married Jul 3 1978 Miami, Ottawa Co, OK to AHLQUIST, Adria Ann - Obituary AMICK, M. R. (son of Marandy & Sarah E. WALL AMICK) married Jan 18 1872 probably Henry Co, MO to MERRITT, Cerepta V. (dau of Judge M. B. & Susan A. MERRITT) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:627 AMICK, Maranda R. Judge married Jan 18 1872 to MERRITT, Serepta V. - Obituary AMICK, Maranda R. Judge married 1893 to MERRITT, Emily - Obituary AMICK, Marandy married Jun 27 1843 Henry Co, MO to WALL, Sarah C. by James Fewell - Williams HC Records AMICK, Marandy (a native of Kentucky) married Jun 27 1843 probably Henry Co, MO to WALL, Sarah E. (a native of Rockingham Co, NC, dau of Major William & Elizabeth WALL) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:627 AMMANN, Leo Henry "Lee" married Nov 21 1964 to McCALL, Berniece - Obituary AMMONS, Glenn Gilbert married Feb 14 1942 to BAUER, Alberta - Obituary AMOS, Jack Louie married 1980 Las Vegas, Clark Co, NV to ALLEN, Maudie "Eller" - Obituary AMSBERRY, Jamlet married Apr 18 1857 Henry Co, MO to HAYS, Matilda by William C. McMillin, M.G. - Williams HC Records ANDERS, James Robert (under age 21, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married May 31 1958 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to PARISI, Lizabeth Anna Mae (Branson, Taney Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Eva Mae Anders, mother of James Robert gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:92 ANDERS, Norman Harold married Jan 20 1952 to JOHNSON, Velma Fern - Obituary ANDERS, Thomas Zechariah married Aug 6 1891 Calhoun, Henry Co, MO to LITTLE, Anna Jane - Obituary ANDERS, Wilson Eugene married Oct 17 1931 to JOHNSON, Dorothy Lee - Obituary ANDERSEN, Leo M. "Andy" married May 7 1991 Windsor, Henry Co, MO to MEADS, Mary D. - Obituary ANDERSON, Benjamin married Feb 17 1907 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to KINDER, Minnie L. - Obituary ANDERSON, Christopher (a native of Lunenburg Co, VA, son of Christopher & Mary ANDERSON) married Feb 1866 Otterville, Cooper Co, MO to BELL, Martha (dau of B. H. BELL) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:773 ANDERSON, Christopher (a native of Lunenburg Co, VA, son of Christopher & Mary ANDERSON) married 1857 Benton Co, MO to BRADSHAW, Tobitha (a native of Virginia) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:773 ANDERSON, Clarence E. married Sep 4 1963 to CRISS, Elizabeth M. - Obituary ANDERSON, Earl Edward (Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK) married Dec 27 1971 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to McCAWN, Martha Ann (Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:34 ANDERSON, Edward married Jul 4 1897 to BUTLER, Mina - Obituary ANDERSON, Francis M. (son of Isaac & Eliza SHARP ANDERSON) married Oct 19 1860 Henry Co, MO to PERNELL, Ocia (dau of F. A. PERNELL) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:661 ANDERSON, Francis M. married Oct 20 1858 Henry Co, MO to PINNELL, Osa A. by William Paul, J.P. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, Fred Hardin married Aug 1 1940 to PARKS, Zona Aileen - Obituary ANDERSON, Frederick married 1864 Tennessee to DYCUS, Lizzie - Obituary ANDERSON, Henry married Apr 19 1848 Henry Co, MO to ROBINSON, Vera by William A. Gray - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, Isaac N. married 1892 to COLSON, Mary Charlotte "Mollie" - Obituary ANDERSON, James married Jun 1 1836 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to YOUNG, Emily by William Goff, J.C.C. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, James M. married Jan 3 1896 to LEMMON, Laura - Obituary ANDERSON, Jasper McDonald married 1877 to WEBSTER, Hester - Obituary ANDERSON, Jasper McDonald married Sep 12 1897 to COX, Bettie - Obituary ANDERSON, John married Jul 27 1843 Henry Co, MO to PROCTOR, Nancy by Daniel Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, John married Aug 19 1850 Henry Co, MO to TWENTYMAN, Nancy by William A. Gray, Min. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, Mason Sr. married Jun 30 1898 to CALLAWAY, Kathryn - Obituary ANDERSON, Melton (Johnson Co, MO) married Aug 11 1849 Henry Co, MO to FIELDS, Martha by Laban Jones, J.P. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, Roy married Nov 15 1947 to JACKSON, Marilyn - Obituary ANDERSON, Thomas married Dec 30 1847 Henry Co, MO to BROWN, Nancy A. by J. G. Thornton, Sr., J.P. - Williams HC Records ANDERSON, Thomas R. married Jun 1 1946 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to WESTBROOK, Esta Fern - Obituary ANDERSON, Thomas Russell married Jun 1 1946 Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO to WESTBROOK, Esta Fern - Obituary ANDERSON, Virgil E. "Andy" married Mar 1 1940 to BUSH, Edith Noel - Obituary ANDERSON, Walter married Oct 24 1839 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to BEASON, Rhoda by Daniel Briggs, Min. - Williams HC Records ANDREWS, Jesse Pat (Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) married May 23 1968 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WILLIAMS, Shirley Ann (Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:9 ANDREWS, Joseph married Jul 9 1839 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to JAMES, Lucretia by Alemeul Huffman, J.P. - Williams HC Records ANDREWS, Michael Gene (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 29 1946 to SANDERS, Helena Lavone by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ANGEL, David Ison married Mar 14 1998 Harrisonville, Cass Co, MO to WITCHER, Roxie Ann - Obituary ANGEL, Frank Monroe (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Jul 3 1962 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to PARMAN, Anna Mae (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:7 ANGLE, Albert F. married Feb 12 1918 to BASSAIRD, Marie - HCMO 1919 History Pg:305 ANGLE, Earl married Aug 20 1917 to ZIMMERMAN, Alma - HCMO 1919 History Pg:305 ANGLE, George married Mar 20 1881 to ROGERS, Ella - HCMO 1919 History Pg:305 ANGLE, John married Oct 26 1854 Pike Co, MO to FERGUSON, Sarah Elizabeth - HCMO 1919 History ANGLE, John Richard married Dec 31 1891 to ALEXANDER, Hallie - Obituary ANGLE, John Richard married May 5 1915 to ANDERSON, Martha J. - Obituary ANGLE, Ralph married Oct 1916 to OGAN, Clara - HCMO 1919 History Pg:305 ANGLE, Robert Steele married 1945 to THOMPSON, Edna Laverne - Obituary ANGLINE, John married Feb 12 1845 Henry Co, MO to BURK, Maria by Whitmill Holland, J.P. - Williams HC Records ANKERSON, Winston Jack married Jul 28 1933 Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co, IA to WINSELL, Bertha M. - Obituary ANNIS, James Bernard (Joplin, Jasper Co, MO) married Apr 30 1943 to HAWKINS, Geraldine May (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ANSON, Billy G. married Sep 14 1951 to BROWN, Mary Alice - Obituary ANSON, Leland Leroy (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Dec 8 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to GILE, Nora Elizabeth (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:59 ANSPAUGH, Bobby Carl married Jan 28 1953 Unionville, Putnam Co, MO to HINES, Dorothy Ilene - Obituary ANSTINE, Alva G. "Shorty" married 1933 to DUNHAM, Erma Faye - Obituary ANSTINE, Alva G. "Shorty" married 2002 to NEAL, Evelyn - Obituary ANZALONE, Vincent Edward "Flower" married Jul 16 1961 Deepwater Baptist Church, Henry Co, MO to BAILEY, June - Obituary APPLE, Glen E. (Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) married Oct 2 1964 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to KEHOE, Adah M. (Naples, Collier Co, FL) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:60 ARBUCKLE, James H. married Jun 19 1842 Henry Co, MO to HUKLE, Mandy by S. F. Robertson, J.P. - Williams HC Records ARBUCKLE, M. married Sep 16 1847 Henry Co, MO to TROLINGER, Mary E. by William W. Jones, Min. - Williams HC Records ARMSTRONG, Amos E. married Aug 10 1952 Manilla, Crawford Co, IA to KUCHEL, Charlyne - Obituary ARMSTRONG, Andrew Lewis married Dec 27 1845 to HANCOCK, Sarah Ann - Obituary ARMSTRONG, Aurelius L. married May 1 1878 to HENSHAW, Susan May - Obituary ARMSTRONG, Billy J. married 1979 to HATFIELD, Edna Mae - Obituary ARMSTRONG, Francis M. married Nov 7 1858 Henry Co, MO to BLEVINS, Eda A. by James Fewell, P.M. - Williams HC Records ARMSTRONG, Hannibal H. (a native of Lincoln Co, MO) married Jul 19 1882 place not given to HARRIS, Lucy J. (of Texas) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:354 ARMSTRONG, James (a native of Madison Co, OH, son of Robert & Elizabeth EARL ARMSTRONG) married Apr 16 1867 place not given to CROZEN, Minerva (a native of Harper's Ferry, VA) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:728 ARMSTRONG, James married Apr 16 1866 Urbana, Champaign Co, IL to CRUZEN, Minervia Ann - Obituary ARMSTRONG, James William married Oct 2 1944 Trenton, Dade Co, GA to WARD, Alice - Obituary ARMSTRONG, Roy Wilbur married Dec 30 1941 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to PRATHER, Dorothy Josephine - Obituary ARMSTRONG, William J. married Oct 28 1858 Henry Co, MO to BLEVINS, Diana by James Fewell, O.M. - Williams HC Records ARNETT, Thomas married Nov 30 1848 Henry Co, MO to DUNNING, Malinda by William D. Wear, Min. - Williams HC Records ARNHOLD, Harold Rolla married Dec 10 1946 Windsor, Henry Co, MO to HIX, Ruby - Obituary ARNOLD, Clarence married Oct 1 1938 to WILLIAMS, Dorothy by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ARNOLD, Clarence Everett married Oct 1 1938 to WILLIAMS, Dorothy Virginia - Obituary ARNOLD, George married Oct 5 1873 to YORK, Lizzie Annette - Obituary ARNOLD, Harold H. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Dec 10 1955 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to LIPPINCOTT, Beverly G. (under age 18, Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Estella Kinsey, mother of Beverly G. gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:34 ARNOLD, Isaac married Dec 23 1836 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to DUNNING, Sarah J. by Isham H. Gilliam, O.M. - Williams HC Records ARNOLD, James Francis married 1921 to BAILEY, Mary Lillie - Obituary ARNOLD, Jefferson Davis Jr. "J.D." married Dec 9 1955 to McSPADDEN, JoAnn - Obituary ARNOLD, William Paul married May 1 1933 Winfield, Cowley Co, KS to BUKEY, Cora Edith - Obituary ARNONE, Melvin (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Mar 26 1954 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to TRAVIS, Corliss (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:95 ARTHUR, Barrett Ellsworth married Sep 29 1940 Buford, Baxter Co, AR to KNIGHT, Ida Lou - Obituary ARTHUR, DeWayne Everette married Jun 29 1951 Hoover Christian Church, Platte Co, MO to DEARDORFF, Mildred Pearl - Obituary ARTRIP, Earnest C. married Jul 21 1984 Lincoln, Benton Co, MO to EBELING, Karen Ann - Obituary ARWOOD, Donal Eugene married May 22 1954 Shawnee Mound, Henry Co, MO to WADE, Betty Lou - Obituary ARWOOD, Edgar Lee married May 25 1948 Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO to THOMPSON, Myrtle E. - Obituary ARWOOD, Jesse Alonzo Jr. married Jun 16 1944 San Diego, San Diego Co, CA to MOTT, Mary - Obituary ASBREM, John W. married Feb 19 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to CHILDS, Nancy C. - Williams SC Records ASH, Ernest James married Nov 10 1952 Harrison, Boone Co, AR to JARVIS, Jo Ann - Obituary ASH, Robert Charles married Jan 14 1962 to HAMBLIN, G. Pauline - Obituary ASH, Walter Winford (Edwards, Benton Co, MO) married Jun 24 1966 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to CLINE, Georgette (Climax Springs, Camden Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:23 ASH, Walter Winford (under age 21, Edwards, Benton Co, MO) married May 15 1959 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to DENT, Patricia Ann (under age 18, Edwards, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Mabel Anna Keeton, mother of Walter Winford and Mrs. T. L. Dent, mother of Patricia Ann gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:31 ASHBY, C. P. (of Kentucky) married no date Henry Co, MO to SWIFT, Susan PINNELL (widow of Shelby SWIFT) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:794 ASHBY, Clement P. married Feb 27 1856 Henry Co, MO to SWIFT, Susan by Amasa Jones, M.G. - Williams HC Records ASHBY, Lewis W. (a native of Henry Co, MO, son of C. P. ASHBY) married Apr 3 1882 Henry Co, MO to PALMER, Minnie (dau of J. M. & Julia GOFF PALMER) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:794 ASHBY, Spencer P. married Dec 22 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to BRUCE, Maria O. - Williams SC Records ASHBY, William Harrison married Nov 27 1856 Henry Co, MO to BONE, Joan by William H. Schroeder - Williams HC Records ASHER, James Gary married Jun 27 1958 St. Louis, St. Louis Co, MO to CLAYTON, Peggy - Obituary ASHINHURST, Lee Ray Jr. (age 21, Lexington, Lafayette Co, MO) married Apr 9 1960 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WIGENER, Donna Lee (age 18, Higginsville, Lafayette Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:55 ASHLEY, Calvin Eugen (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Feb 14 1953 to TSCHABRUN, Darlene (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal ASHLEY, Calvin Eugene married Feb 14 1953 to TSCHABRUN, Darlene - Obituary ASHLEY, Calvin Eugene married Sep 14 1973 to ELLISTON, Ruth - Obituary ASHLEY, Thomas Green married 1882 to ADAIR, Missouri Belle - Obituary ASHWELL, E. J. married Mar 2 1860 Henry Co, MO to HENDERSON, Eliza Jane by J. McNight, M.G. - Williams HC Records ASHWORTH, Charles Merser married Nov 23 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to CAVI?, Martha Ann - Williams SC Records ASLIN, Bruce Joseph married Dec 17 1976 Cameron, Missouri to LEAFTY, Loretta - Obituary ASTNER, William George "Bill" married 1941 to TURNER, Margaret - Obituary ATCHISON, Charles E. married Oct 17 1934 to DOAK, Kathryn Lee - Obituary ATCHISON, Perry Latin married Aug 6 1930 Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO to SLOAN, Mary M. - Obituary ATKINS, James Curtis married Sep 28 1937 Higginsville, Lafayette Co, MO to COAK, Ronda Lenora - Obituary ATKINS, John Gilmer married Jan 19 1911 Urich, Henry Co, MO to STEWART, Margaret Lee - Obituary ATKINS, John Gilmer married Aug 4 1926 to RAKER, Ruth Rachael - Obituary ATKINS, Robert Oliver married Apr 14 1881 to DOAK, Dora Alice - Obituary ATKINSON, Donald L. (under age 21, Blairstown, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 12 1958 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RIFFLE, Emma Jane (age 18, Salina, Salina Co, KS) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Homer F. Atkinson, father of Donald L. gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:96 ATKINSON, Gene A. (under age 21, Holden, Johnson Co, MO) married Jun 11 1957 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to CLEVENGER, Jane E. (age 18, Holden, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Homer F. Atkinson, father of Gene A. gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:75 ATKINSON, Howard A. married Mar 11 1940 to OSBORNE, Mary L. - Obituary ATKINSON, Leroy married Feb 11 1936 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to BARNARD, Lora Flossie - Obituary ATKINSON, Lewis J. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Aug 7 1970 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to PILKEY, Elizabeth T. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:76 ATKINSON, Oliver (under age 21, Urich, Henry Co, MO) married Feb 20 1950 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to THOMPSON, Thelma Mae (age 18, Urich, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - W. T. Atkinson, father of Oliver gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:35 ATKINSON, Samuel married Jun 6 1925 Sedalia, Pettis Co, MO to STONE, Florence Ethel - Obituary ATKINSON, Wilburn A. married 1947 to SCEARCE, Pauline - Obituary ATTEBERRY, George married Dec 31 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to BRIDGES, Mary - Williams SC Records ATTEBERRY, Harvey married Feb 27 1838 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to McDANIEL, Emily by Jesse Applegate, J.P. - Williams HC Records ATWELL, John Bryant married Aug 12 1945 to SHOPP, Bertha Mae - Obituary AUDSLEY, Robert Earl (Johnson Co, MO) married Aug 11 1956 New Hope Church, Henry Co, MO to STONEKING, Dena Rowena (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AUER, Clarence Howard married Dec 18 1926 to HANGER, Marion - Obituary AUER, Clarence Howard married Apr 1932 to HIX, Wanda - Obituary AUER, Edward H. married 1908 to THOMAS, Edna Sarah - Obituary AULDRIDGE, James Luther "Jim" married Dec 31 1986 to SMART, Lois I. - Obituary AURAND, William married May 19 1861 Henry Co, MO to BALEY, Melissa by Joseph Bond, M.G. - Williams HC Records AURAND, William married 1861 to BAILEY, Melia - Obituary AUSTIN, Broaddus Hero married Sep 8 1908 to McGINNIS, Mary Innez - Obituary AUSTIN, Everette E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Aug 26 1948 to MILLER, Wilma Fern by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AUSTIN, Frank O. married Oct 20 1928 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to CHASTAIN, Ida B. - Obituary AUSTIN, George T. married Nov 14 1929 to CARPENTER, Verna Mae - Obituary AUSTIN, James A. married Mar 25 1869 Forest City, Mason Co, IL to CHEEK, Mary Elizabeth - Obituary AUSTIN, John R. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Dec 27 1953 to DAUGHERTY, Betty I. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AUSTIN, Karl E. married Nov 24 1978 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to ALLEN, Connie Z. - Obituary AUSTIN, Leland William (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) married Sep 7 1947 to PULLEY, Betty June (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AUSTIN, T. B. married Jan 1880 Henry Co, MO to GILBERT, S. J. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed AUSTIN, William Henry married Feb 2 1864 Albermarle Co, VA to WOOD, Christena Ella - Obituary AVANTS, Joe (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Nov 18 1947 to DUSCHELL, Myrtle (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal AVERY, Angus Clark (son of Henry & Elizabeth GREEN AVERY) married Jul 3 1860 place not given to DODGE, Rhoda (dau of William H. & Catherine DODGE) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:494 AVERY, Angus Clark married Jul 3 1860 Cumberland Co, TN to DODGE, Rhoda Augusta - Obituary AVERY, Charles E. (son of Hon. William L. & Saphronia C. WILLIAMS AVERY) married no date place not given to MERRITT, Lelia Theressa (dau of Judge M. B. & Susan A. MERRITT) - HCMO 1883 History Pg:629 AVERY, Charles Edward married Feb 1 1883 to MERRITT, Lelia Theressa - Obituary AVERY, George Green married Dec 10 1884 to MERRITT, Mollie - Obituary AVERY, Harry (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Nov 25 1970 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to CARROLL, Florene (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:89 AVERY, Henry married Nov 25 1819 to GREEN, Elizabeth - HCMO 1883 History Pg:492 AVERY, Henry Flavius married Jun 18 1901 to COLT, Minnie - Obituary AVERY, James Mason married Jun 16 1865 to WOOLFOLK, Sallie M. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:496 AVERY, James Mason married Jun 16 1865 to WOOLFOLK, Sallie M. - Obituary AVERY, Kenneth C. (age 38, Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) married Jul 29 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HOLLAMAN, Mary A. (age 34, Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:45 AVERY, P. G. married Nov 7 1849 Henry Co, MO to WALKER, Sarepta by Daniel Briggs, Min. - Williams HC Records AVERY, Robert Walter married Dec 10 1884 to MERRITT, Estella - Obituary AVERY, Robinson L. married Dec 15 1857 Henry Co, MO to PALMER, Venezuela by Rev. William H. Smith - Williams HC Records AVERY, Robinson Lafayette married Dec 8 1857 to PALMER, Venezuela - Obituary AVERY, Stoestle Pearl "S. P." married Jan 7 1946 Clinton, Henry Co, MO to SYPES, Ruth Josephine - Obituary AVERY, William L. married Jan 17 1843 Henry Co, MO to WILLIAMS, Sophronia C. by James Fewell - Williams HC Records AVERY, William L. (b: White Co, TN) married Jan 17 1843 place not given to WILLIAMS, Saphronia C. (b: Simpson Co, KY, dau of Major John W. & Nancy A. WILLIAMS) by James Fewell - HCMO 1883 History Pg:629 AVERY, William Lane married Jan 17 1845 to WILLIAMS, Sophronia Caroline - Obituary AYDELOTTE, James Robert "Bob" married 1940 to SCHRYVER, Virginia W. - Obituary AYE, William H. "Bill" married Dec 21 1960 Bunker Hill Air Force Base, Indiana to BROWN, Edith Georgiana "George" - Obituary AYER, Alton married Aug 31 1946 to JONES, Hazel Elnora - Obituary AYERS, Bobby Gene married Sep 22 1954 Little Rock, Pulaski, AR to KING, Hazel I. - Obituary AYERS, Henry married Jul 18 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to BROWN, Amanda - Williams SC Records AYERS, Marcellis married Jan 10 1861 St. Clair Co, MO to RECTOR, Angeline - Williams SC Records BABCOCK, Frank married Oct 25 1936 to DEWEY, Irene by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAGLEY, William R. R. married Oct 1880 Henry Co, MO to YEAGER, Emma O. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BAILEY, Adison H. married Jan 5 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to McDANIEL, Emelene - Williams SC Records BAILEY, Bobbie E. (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 29 1953 to CROWDER, Mae (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAILEY, Edward Lee (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jul 2 1966 to LUCAS, Patricia Ann (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAILEY, Elam married Oct 7 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to LAWLER, Druzella A. - Williams SC Records BAILEY, Felix H. married Feb 1 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to McDANIEL, Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BAILEY, Glover E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 31 1950 to HOPPE, Peggy L. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAILEY, J. Roy (son of Henry Bailey of Urich, MO) married Jan 19 1921 home of bride's parents, Urich, Henry Co, MO to GRAEF, Edith F. (dau of William Graef of Urich, MO) by Rev. William Sampson - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0099 BAILEY, Joel married Aug 9 1847 Henry Co, MO to WHITE, Mary Ann by Isham H. Gilliam - Williams HC Records BAILEY, John T. married Jul 22 1858 Henry Co, MO to THOMPSON, Martha A. by William Paul, J.P. - Williams HC Records BAILEY, John W. married Jan 9 1860 Henry Co, MO to BEVIN, Mary H. by James Fewell, O.M. - Williams HC Records BAILEY, Shandy Edgar (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Dec 21 1958 to SCHMIDT, Elaine M. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAILEY, T. E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 28 1950 to BLACKLEY, Viola (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAILY, Timothy W. married Jan 30 1863 St. Clair Co, MO to OAKS, Frances M. - Williams SC Records BAIRD, George (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 5 1947 to SHARP, Ellen (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAKER, Abraham S. married Dec 23 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to HUFFMAN, Rebecca J. - Williams SC Records BAKER, Benjamin W. married Aug 11 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to MOORE, Rebecca A. - Williams SC Records BAKER, Christopher married 1820 East Tennessee to KELLY, Sally - HCMO 1883 History Pg:553 BAKER, Henry E. married Oct 3 1848 to CHAPPELL, Maxamilla - HCMO 1883 History Pg:562 BAKER, James D. married Oct 26 1852 Henry Co, MO to GOODIN, Mary E. by Benjamin F. Goodwin, M.G. - Williams HC Records BAKER, James D. married 1853 to GOODIN, Mary E. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:578 BAKER, John married Aug 12 1831 to GRAVES, Eleanor - HCMO 1883 History Pg:554 BAKER, Monty Ferris (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Sep 16 1966 to DAUGHTERY, Arvilla (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAKER, Steven P. married Sep 13 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to COURTLAND, Mrs. Catherine - Williams SC Records BAKER, W. D. married May 28 1942 to DEAN, Wilma May by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAKER, Warren (Brownington, Henry Co, MO) married May 12 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to EVANS, Gladys (Brownington, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:45 BAKER, Warren Edgar (age 38, Brownington, Henry Co, MO) married Sep 9 1966 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ELLIOTT, Rosa Lee (age 18, Brownington, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:33 BAKER, William (St. Clair Co, MO) married Nov 19 1852 Henry Co, MO to GOFF, Elizabeth by Robert Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records BALDWIN, Tommy married June 9 1934 to PETERMAN, Wanda by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BALKE, Johann married Apr 20 1862 Henry Co, MO to STUBBE, Marianna - Online Records BALL, David J. (Polk County) married Feb 4 1864 St. Clair Co, MO to LANEY, Martha - Williams SC Records BANISTER, Henry married Feb 2 1866 St. Clair Co, MO to COX, Sophia - children and ages at the time of marraige: Eliza 22Y; Emeline 20Y; Jacob 18Y; Jackson 14Y; Kittie 12Y; Lany 10Y; Charley 7Y - Williams SC Records BANK, Harold (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) married Aug 13 1971 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to JENNINGS, Effie Irene (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:14 BANKS, Billy Otis (age 23, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co, TX) married Sep 3 1966 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to FAINE, Bobbie Jo (age 21, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co, TX) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:32 BANNING, Cecil A. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jan 7 1947 to LAPASSE, Muriel (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BANTA, John O. married Jun 1862 Henry Co, MO to CHALMERS, Margaret - Online Records BANTA, Thomas married Oct 28 1858 Henry Co, MO to EMRY, Louisa by Robert Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records BANTA, William H. married Dec 30 1858 Henry Co, MO to COMMINS, Clarisa by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BANTA, William J. married Jan 26 1854 Henry Co, MO to GOFF, Margaret C. by B. F. Moore, Min. - Williams HC Records BARADA, Louis Y. married Nov 8 1855 St. Clair Co, MO to COX, Margaret - Williams SC Records BARBER, Charles married Sep 13 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to BRASHEARS, Mrs. Martha - Williams SC Records BARBER, James K. married Oct 10 1870 to MARTIN, Sarah E. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:555 BARCAFER, Mark (of Neosho, MO) married Oct 25 1893 Clinton Baptist Church, Henry Co, MO to JENNINGS, Ollie by Dr. Skillman - Annals of HCMO Bk:1 Pg:199 BARKER, Benjamin married Jul 31 1851 Henry Co, MO to MARTIN, Mary by George S. Gillett, M.G. - Williams HC Records BARKER, Donald David (age 21, Holden, Johnson Co, MO) married Feb 3 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to VESTAL, Alice Viola (age 33, Holden, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:48 BARKER, James married Nov 12 1840 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to COVINGTON, Sarah by Benjamin N. McDaniel, Min. - Williams HC Records BARKER, James T. married Apr 1 1856 Henry Co, MO to SWINDELL, Berrilla by George S. Gillett, M.G. - Williams HC Records BARKLEY, James E. married Oct 21 1851 Henry Co, MO to MOBBERLY, Margaret by William A. Gray, Min. - Williams HC Records BARKSDALE, William (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) married Nov 1 1954 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to FLETCHER, Pearl E. (Richmond, Ray Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:9 BARLOW, John N. married Jan 1 1862 to WHITENACK, Ellen A. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:497 BARNES, Charles Leroy (age 39, Kansas City, Clay Co, MO) married Sep 23 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to MARTIN, Mary Emeline (age 34, Kansas City, Clay Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:58 BARNES, Harold L. (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 23 1951 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to LUTJEN, Hazel (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:56 BARNETT, Charles R. (Henry County) married May 3 1866 St. Clair Co, MO to BROWN, Nancy C. - Williams SC Records BARNETT, David R. married Feb 28 1858 Henry Co, MO to KELLY, Ann (dau of David) by W. R. Edwards, J.P. - Williams HC Records BARNETT, Joseph married Jan 6 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to HOPKINS, Sofrona - Williams SC Records BARR, Bernice B. married Sep 15 1881 to SQUIRES, Maggie - HCMO 1919 History Pg:309 BARR, Joseph W. married May 5 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to MORGAN, Mary J. - Williams SC Records BARREN, Amos married Mar 1 1858 Henry Co, MO to SPISER, Matilda by S. D. Inman, J.P. - Williams HC Records BARREN, Rice (Benton Co, MO) married Sep 27 1858 Henry Co, MO to EDWARDS, Mrs. Jane by W. B. Edwards, J.P. - Williams HC Records BARRETT, John W. married Aug 1 1858 Henry Co, MO to MORRIS, Ruth by J. G. Dorman, J.P. - Williams HC Records BARROW, William H. married Sep 3 1842 Henry Co, MO to FLETCHER, Mary B. by Alexander Gragg, J.P. - Williams HC Records BARROWS, Clayton M. (Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) married Sep 23 1942 to SHORT, Rosa M. (Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BARRY, William (Pettis Co, MO) married Apr 12 1853 Henry Co, MO to BOZARTH, Mary Jane by William H. Schroeder, Min. - Williams HC Records BARTELS, J. W. (Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO) married Feb 12 1949 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SCOTT, Stella Mae (Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:20 BASS, Edwin married Jan 1856 to SPENCER, Mary Jane - HCMO 1883 History Pg:555 BASS, James Harvey married Dec 16 1868 to WALL, Elizabeth WOOLFOLK - HCMO 1883 History Pg:556 BATES, Truman married Jan 3 1850 Henry Co, MO to SWEENEY, Mrs. Eveline by J. A. Browning, Min. - Williams HC Records BATSON, W. H. married Sep 1880 Henry Co, MO to DUNNING, Isabel - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BAUMGARDEN, Lester L. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 23 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BAUMGARDEN, Icel (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:24 BAUMGARDEN, Mr. married Nov 1 1958 to HYDE, Shirley (Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BAUMGARDEN, Roy (under age 21, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Dec 22 1969 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SAVORY, Carol (under age 18, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Francis Huffman, mother of Roy Baumgarden and Lula Savory, mother of Carol gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:60 BAXTER, Joseph married Nov 1880 Henry Co, MO to BAXTER, Kittie A. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BAXTER, Silas (Layfayette Co, MO) married Nov 24 1843 Henry Co, MO to ASHLEY, Lutetia by William B. Means, J.P. - Williams HC Records BEACH, Samuel W. married Sep 9 1847 Henry Co, MO to DOBBINS, Margaret Ann by Joshua Page, M.G. - Williams HC Records BEACH, William M. married Dec 19 1850 Henry Co, MO to LOGGINS, Katharine by Joshua Page, Min. - Williams HC Records BEAFUS, James married Jul 17 1842 Henry Co, MO to BROWN, Ann by Henry Avery, O.M. - Williams HC Records BEAMON, Carter (Walnut Grove, Henry Co, MO) married May 24 1957 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to EDMONSON, Dersie (Walnut Grove, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:72 BEAN, Alphort married Mar 2 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to SHORT, Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BEANLAND, John N. married Dec 1 1858 Henry Co, MO to HOLLAND, Nancy M. by W. E. McKenzie, M.G. - Williams HC Records BEARDSLEE, James Eugene married Jan 24 1948 to WHITE, Leta Marie by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BEASLEY, Ernest married Mar 8 1941 to HODSON, Grace by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BEASON, Allen married May 17 1855 Henry Co, MO to FUGATE, Elizabeth by William H. Schroeder, O.M. - Williams HC Records BEATY, Francis W. married Jul 19 1941 to RICHARDSON, Wanda Lee by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BEATY, Joseph E. married Dec 18 1856 Henry Co, MO to BOONE, Martha A. S. by H. S. Speek, P.G. - Williams HC Records BEATY, William T. married Feb 25 1836 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to PINNELL, Sally by C. T. Stevenson, E.C.C. - Williams HC Records BECK, Ed (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Dec 9 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to VASSNER, Wella Eileen (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:72 BECKETT, Junior Albert (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Sep 1 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RISSEL, Orlena Louise (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:77 BECKHAM, Carl Lee (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 16 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to JUSTIS, Thelma Jean (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:45 BECKLEY, Levi married Feb 28 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to REED, Martha A. - Williams SC Records BEDWELL, William married Mar 15 1849 Henry Co, MO to GILLIAM, Elizabeth Ann by John McMahan, J.P. - Williams HC Records BEEDY, John Creighton married Oct 23 1867 to GOLDSBURG, Ellen Victoria - HCMO 1883 History Pg:558 BEELER, Charles Henry (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married May 5 1971 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to DRURY, Wanda Lavon (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:2 BEELER, Norman married Dec 24 1943 to GREEN, Elmira by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BEELOR, Orval Henry married Sep 28 1940 to GOFORTH, Wanda Lavone by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BEGHAM, Thomas married Oct 7 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to GARNETT, Hannah E. - Williams SC Records BELEW, Jimmie R. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Sep 6 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RUSH, Wilma D. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:54 BELKE, Lawrence E. (Belton, Cass Co, MO) married Jun 7 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SMART, Alice L. (Belton, Cass Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:38 BELL, Andrew J. married Feb 28 1843 Henry Co, MO to McMAHAN, Elizabeth by Hugh S. Campbell - Williams HC Records BELL, James G. married Jul 17 1856 Henry Co, MO to REASONS, R. A. by R. F. Taylor, J.P. - Williams HC Records BELL, Robert K. married Oct 17 1860 Henry Co, MO to JAMESON, Eliza Jane by A. D. Landum - Williams HC Records BELLER, Michael Leo (age 22, Whiteman AFB, Johnson Co, MO) married Feb 9 1968 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BRONSON, Patricia Ann (age 18, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:97 BELLISIME, William Cletus (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jul 14 1951 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ARTIST, Anna Belle (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:59 BELLMEYER, Henry married Oct 5 1937 to DUNNING, Josephine by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BELSKE, James Robert (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 8 1955 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HOWE, Lena Margaret (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:31 BELTON, Richard married Nov 1880 Henry Co, MO to ELI, Belle - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BENKS, Thomas married Oct 17 1860 Henry Co, MO to KIMSEY, Malissa Ann by James F. Potts, J.P. - Williams HC Records BENNET, John married Nov 25 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to ALLISON, Lucinda Jane - Williams SC Records BENNETT, Melvin Edgar (Creighton, Cass Co, MO) married May 29 1962 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to TABOR, Wilma Fay (Creighton, Cass Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:4 BENNETT, Victor L. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Apr 3 1963 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to KING, Linda (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:18 BENSON, Dennis E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 2 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to JOHNSON, Nancy F. (St. Louis, St. Louis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:20 BERNARD, James V. married Nov 12 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to GOVER, Sarah - Williams SC Records BERNARD, John married Sep 12 1942 to WRIGHT, Marita I. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BERNARD, John C. married Oct 1 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to GOVER, Nancy - Williams SC Records BERRY, Edward T. married May 18 1842 Henry Co, MO to ROYSTON, Mary by J. S. Porter - Williams HC Records BERRY, Lawrence R. married Dec 25 1860 Henry Co, MO to TAYLOR, Elizabeth O. by J. W. Kelly, M.G. - Williams HC Records BERRY, Robert H. C. married Sep 13 1853 Henry Co, MO to TAYLOR, Olivia by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BERRY, William F. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Apr 23 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BERRY, Hazel L. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:31 BESON, James married Apr 8 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to WHITE, Sarah A. - Williams SC Records BEST, Jeremiah married Feb 7 1850 Henry Co, MO to ANDERSON, Nancy by Daniel Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records BETTS, Charles R. (Lee's Summit, Jackson Co, MO) married Mar 7 1959 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to JOHNSON, Dora L. (Lee's Summit, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:21 BIFFER, Andrew married Oct 10 1870 to FRAZIER, Katherine - HCMO 1883 History Pg:497 BIGGERSTAFF, Asa M. married Jun 1880 Henry Co, MO to WERRY, Amelia - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BILDERBACK, Charles married Jan 6 1848 Henry Co, MO to COMBS, Mary Ann by Joshua Page, M.G. - Williams HC Records BILYK, Wladimeir (age 28, Rochester, Monroe Co, NY) married Mar 23 1974 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BIRTA, Marilyn Jean (age 35, Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:25 BIRDSALL, Ronald Lee (age 24, Tyler, Smith Co, TX) married May 19 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WARD, Donna Kay (age 19, Independence, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:54 BISHOP, Thomas J. married Henry Co, MO to UNKNOWN, - page missing from record book, married 1836 or 1837 to unknown - Williams HC Records BLACKFORD, Albert J. married May 4 1862 to TAYLOR, Mary E. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:497 BLAKE, Jeffrey M. (Clay Co, MO) married Feb 21 1970 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HOLLIS, Kathleen C. (Kansas City, Clay Co, MO) by Kelso Journey, Circuit Judge - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:64 BLAKEMORE, George married Jan 15 1861 Henry Co, MO to RAGLAND, Mary Frances by Mannen Durea, M.G. - Williams HC Records BLATT, S. married Oct 1 1868 to SHAW, Frances J. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:499 BLAZE, Ernest Frederick married Feb 28 1856 Henry Co, MO to COLLINS, Margaret Mariah by Robert L. Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records BLEDSOE, George married Mar 7 1850 Henry Co, MO to MOORE, Sarah by John G. Bridges - Williams HC Records BLEDSOE, Jesse J. married Dec 27 1857 Henry Co, MO to GORDON, Sarah E. by Joseph Shanks, O.M. - Williams HC Records BLEDSOE, Mr. married Dec 25 1854 Henry Co, MO to SALLEE, Magdaline by William A. Gray, M.G. - Williams HC Records BLEDSOE, William married Jul 5 1837 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to MELTON, Mabel by Henry Avery, O.M. - Williams HC Records BLEDSOE, Wilson H. married Oct 30 1870 to BURTON, Emma - HCMO 1883 History Pg:499 BLEINS, John married Jan 1880 Henry Co, MO to TOLSTON, Belle - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BLEVINS, Edward married Aug 11 1853 Henry Co, MO to AKERS, Lucralea by James Freeman, J.H.C.C. - Williams HC Records BLEVINS, Elisha married Apr 27 1848 Henry Co, MO to AKERS, Margaret by William B. Means, J.P. - Williams HC Records BLEVINS, Jerry married Nov 15 1855 Henry Co, MO to DUNN, Nancy Elizabeth by James Fewell, O.M. - Williams HC Records BLEVINS, Jonathan L. married Jan 24 1861 St. Clair Co, MO to WEBB, Mary Ann - Williams SC Records BLUE, Charley E. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Nov 18 1956 to SCHILLING, Ruth M. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BLUM, William G. (Knob Noster, Johnson Co, MO) married Jun 16 1958 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HINTON, Brenda Lou (age 18, Oak Grove, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:98 BOFFITT, Charles Edward (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) married Aug 5 1971 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to LETILLIER, Frances (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:12 BOGGS, John Middleton (age 42, Camdenton, Camden Co, MO) married Dec 4 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BOGGS, Dorothy Faye (age 43, Camdenton, Camden Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:57 BOGGS, William Dean (Montrose, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 26 1975 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BOTTERON, Peggy Lou (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:87 BOHAMSON, Gilbert George (age 21, East Alburg, Grand Isle Co, VT) married Jul 20 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth Joe (age 23, Holden, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:61 BOLES, George married Feb 20 1840 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to BOLES, Mrs. Levina by John M. Reed, J.P. - Williams HC Records BOLES, John A. married Feb 24 1858 Henry Co, MO to PARKS, Mary Ellen by C. J. Teas, M.G. - Williams HC Records BOLINGER, William W. married Aug 15 1859 to LOUDOU, Lallie - HCMO 1883 History Pg:500 BOND, William E. married Feb 4 1858 Henry Co, MO to CLARK, Mary M. by A. M. Baller, M.G. - Williams HC Records BONE, James P. married Mar 23 1854 Henry Co, MO to DUNCAN, Martha by William A. Gray, Min. - Williams HC Records BONHAM, Marcus L. married Nov 23 1862 to HENDRICKS, Margaret - HCMO 1883 History Pg:500 BOOK, Veryl S. (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) married Feb 27 1957 to SCOTT, Inez A. (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BOONE, Thomas J. married Aug 11 1853 Henry Co, MO to CARPENTER, Mary by Mark McPherson, J.P. - Williams HC Records BOOR, H. E. married Jul 17 1941 to DALTON, Maxine by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BOOTS, Solomon married May 28 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to ANDERSON, Sarah O. - Williams SC Records BOOTS, Solomon G. married Jan 27 1861 St. Clair Co, MO to ROBERTSON, Sophronia - Williams SC Records BOURLAND, John R. married Dec 12 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to LESSLY, Lewiza S. - Williams SC Records BOWLAND, Staton married May 24 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to SHORT, L. - Williams SC Records BOWLEN, Ralph Lee (age 21, Carrollton, Carroll Co, MO) married Jul 1 1949 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HAGER, Margie Helen (Calhoun, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:26 BOWLES, Ralph C. married Sep 9 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to BRADSHEAR, Mrs. Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BOWLIN, Gary Wayne (age 20, Windsor, Pettis Co, MO) married Dec 22 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ROARK, Connie Sue (age 16, Windsor, Pettis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Ona Lee Bowlin, mother of Gary Wayne and Katie Roarch, mother of Connie Sue gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:91 BOWMAN, Alfred R. married Oct 1880 Henry Co, MO to ADAIR, Ella M. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BOYD, Joseph married Jan 3 1856 to ADKINS, Elizabeth - HCMO 1883 History Pg:501 BOYDSTON, Charles B. (under age 21, Centerville, Linn Co, KS) married Dec 20 1952 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to QUISENBERRY, Kathryn Ann (under age 18, Parker, Linn Co, KS) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Boydston, parents of Charles B. and T. D. Quisenberry, father of Kathryn Ann gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:72 BOZARTH, Joseph married Feb 28 1858 Henry Co, MO to COPPAGE, Mary Susan by William H. Schroeder - Williams HC Records BOZARTH, Stephen Ray (age 24, Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) married Aug 26 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ELDRIDGE, Nina Marlana (age 19, Newburg, Phelps Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:64 BRADLEY, Henry married Dec 28 1854 Henry Co, MO to JONES, Ann by Robert Briggs, M.G. - Williams HC Records BRADLEY, James T. married Feb 1880 Henry Co, MO to JONES, Mollie V. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BRADLEY, John married Oct 27 1844 Henry Co, MO to McMILLION, Sarah by Mark McPherson, J.P. - Williams HC Records BRADLEY, William married Oct 27 1860 Henry Co, MO to BRADLEY, Zerelda J. by William A. Gray - Williams HC Records BRADSHAW, Christopher married May 10 1847 Henry Co, MO to CAMPBELL, Juliann D. by John T. Ricketts - Williams HC Records BRADSHAW, Isaac N. (Cedar County) married Mar 7 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to ALLEN, Harriet E. - Williams SC Records BRADSHAW, Leonard L. married Feb 5 1942 to RODGERS, Anna Belle by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRAME, John Baker married Nov 24 1867 to TAYLOR, Rettie F. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:559 BRAMELL, Earl (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) married Apr 21 1951 to SCOGHAM, Helen (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRAMM, Francis married Dec 3 1938 to HUSEY, Pearl by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRANNUM, James married May 7 1963 to LAND, Elizabeth - HCMO 1883 History Pg:502 BRANNUM, James married Jun 8 1854 to PULLIAM, Mary A. D. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:502 BRASHEAR, Waymack M. married Feb 8 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to DEAR, Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BRATCHER, B. C. married Jun 12 1857 St. Clair Co, MO to HALL, Caroline - Williams SC Records BRATCHER, John F. married Mar 6 1859 St. Clair Co, MO to BRATCHER, Minerva J. - Williams SC Records BRAUN, John married Dec 12 1938 to CALDWELL, Edna by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRESHEARS, Harold Gene (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Feb 23 1962 to BUAMGARDEN, Wanda Ruth (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRESHEARS, John E. (Cross Timbers, Hickory Co, MO) married Dec 2 1964 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SWANSON, Frances Mae (Fristoe, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:66 BREWER, Conley Borden (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) married Jan 25 1959 to SMITH, Rhoda Maxine (Ladue, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRIDGES, John W. married Feb 27 1838 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to HILL, Lucinda by Jesse Applegate, J.P. - Williams HC Records BRIDGES, Thomas H. (Kansas) married Jan 10 1864 at the home of James Todd, St. Clair Co, MO to TODD, Louisa M. - Williams SC Records BRIDGES, Washington married Feb 13 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to WILKINSON, Didama Jane - Williams SC Records BRIGGS, Billie E. married Mar 18 1947 to GREEN, Margaret by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRIGGS, Clarence married Apr 30 1938 to CARTER, Mary Jo by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRIGGS, Claude married Nov 26 1941 to YEAROUT, Miss by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRIGGS, James S. married Mar 30 1848 Henry Co, MO to COLLINS, Nancy by William A. Gray - Williams HC Records BRIGGS, Robert married Oct 1 1840 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to COLLINS, Sally by Henry Avery, O.M. - Williams HC Records BRIGGS, Robert married Apr 1880 Henry Co, MO to BROOKES, Armint F. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BRIGGS, Thomas married Feb 6 1851 Henry Co, MO to RENFRO, Caroline Frances by Robert Briggs, Min. - Williams HC Records BRINGETTER, John F. married Jan 1 1836 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to RANK, Lydia by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BRISTON, Josiah G. married Feb 5 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to MOULDERS, Mrs. Angelina - Williams SC Records BRISTOW, John Owens married Mar 9 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to WITT, Nancy - Williams SC Records BRITTS, George married Dec 10 1835 Montgomery Co, IN to ROGERS, Mary Jane - HCMO 1883 History Pg:502 BRITTS, John Henry married Nov 1 1865 to LEWIS, Annie E. F. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:504 BROCK, Frank married Nov 1880 Henry Co, MO to MAUPIN, Nancy E. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BROCK, Harold married Oct 1 1939 to WALDEN, Ruth by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRONAUGH, John W. married Jul 10 1862 Henry Co, MO to KNOX, Georgia - Online Records BROOKS, James married Apr 1 1843 Henry Co, MO to BEDWELL, Polly by James Prewitt, J.P. - Williams HC Records BROOKS, John married Feb 1880 Henry Co, MO to WADKINS, Carry - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BROWN, Andrew married Mar 31 1842 Henry Co, MO to BRACE, Nancy Ann by Richard F. Colburn - Williams HC Records BROWN, Benjamin married Feb 24 1842 Henry Co, MO to KEENY, Malinda by Jonathan Sweeny, J.P. - Williams HC Records BROWN, Benjamin Byron (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 17 1942 to HESTAND, Wilma Lucille (Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BROWN, Coy F. (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Oct 14 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BROWN, Helen L. (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:82 BROWN, Dennis R. (Cleveland, Cass Co, MO) married Dec 1 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to HOOTEN, Marie (Cleveland, Cass Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:56 BROWN, Everett D. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Aug 16 1969 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to LANGLEY, Ida Ruth (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:50 BROWN, Everett D. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Mar 5 1966 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to LANGLEY, Ida Ruth (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:9 BROWN, George (Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) married Dec 12 1948 to PARKS, Waneta by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BROWN, H. W. married Nov 1880 Henry Co, MO to DIMMITT, Sarah A. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BROWN, Herbert (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Jul 28 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to COWAN, Elnora Jane (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:70 BROWN, Jabel Jr. married Jul 18 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to BROWN, Mary - Williams SC Records BROWN, James married Jul 26 1941 to WOODS, Bernice M. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BROWN, John H. married Nov 1857 to BOYD, Jane - HCMO 1883 History Pg:505 BROWN, John H. married Oct 7 1845 to WEAVER, Lucinda - HCMO 1883 History Pg:505 BROWN, John P. married Mar 29 1849 Henry Co, MO to PARKS, Rowsey Jane by Robert Foster, Min. - Williams HC Records BROWN, Lowell M. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Apr 23 1973 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ALLEN, Bonita M. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:86 BROWN, Lynn J. (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Mar 23 1968 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to DAVIS, Marie (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:1 BROWN, Paris married Jan 31 1864 St. Clair Co, MO to BEASIN, Mary Ann - Williams SC Records BROWN, Peyton married Mar 11 1852 Henry Co, MO to PARKS, Susan E. by J. G. Thornton, J.P. - Williams HC Records BROWN, Robert married May 24 1855 Henry Co, MO to ELI, Nancy by George S. Gillett - Williams HC Records BROWN, Roger Leon (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 19 1973 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to COZAD, Pamela Sue (Macon, Macon Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:85 BROWN, T. T. married Mar 25 1869 Hagerstown, Wayne Co, IN to HOUSER, Marta Adelia - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0025 BROWN, Thomas married Dec 6 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to REED, Mary Jane - Williams SC Records BROWN, Walter L. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 10 1956 New Hope Church, Henry Co, MO to WITHERSPOON, Mary Katherine (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BROWN, William Howard (Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) married Nov 16 1961 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RIFFEE, Minnie Ellen (Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:93 BROWNLEE, Larry (under age 20, Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) married Dec 27 1963 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BELK, Patsy (age 18, Wheatland, Hickory Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Birdie Brownlee, mother of Larry gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:43 BROWNLEE, Thomas W. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married May 12 1956 to RICHESON, Mildred (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BRUASON, John K. married Nov 1 1855 St. Clair Co, MO to BIGGS, Cintha Jane - Williams SC Records BRUCE, Richard T. (Lawrence, KS) married Jan 10 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SWEETS, Norma E. (Butler, Bates Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:38 BRUMMETT, Alexander married Jan 10 1847 Henry Co, MO to RICHARDSON, Sarah by J. M. Vanhoy, J.P. - Williams HC Records BRUMMETT, Alexander married Apr 14 1849 Henry Co, MO to THOMAS, Sarah by John T. Bridges - Williams HC Records BRUMMETT, Alexander G. married Jun 20 1844 Henry Co, MO to SQUIRES, Mary M. by Henry Avery, O.M. - Williams HC Records BRUMMETT, Joseph married Feb 26 1852 Henry Co, MO to RICHARDSON, Nancy by John T. Bridges - Williams HC Records BRUMMETT, Robert G. married Jan 28 1841 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to CLARK, Martha Ann by Henry Avery, O.M. - Williams HC Records BRUNE, Herman L. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married May 7 1960 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SPARKMAN, Ethel L. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:56 BRUNS, John Kenneth (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Nov 1 1961 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to BRUNS, Ruth M. (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:92 BRYAN, James married Dec 12 1860 Henry Co, MO to COLLANDER, Polly by William Paul, J.P. - Williams HC Records BUALER, John married Apr 6 1860 Henry Co, MO to SHORT, Elizabeth A. by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BUBICK, Edward R. (age 21, Whiteman AFB, Johnson Co, MO) married Dec 31 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to KRAMER, Deloris Ann (under age 18, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Gwendolyne Kramer, mother of Delolris Ann gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:60 BUCHALEN, Thomas married Sep 23 1939 to HARRIS, Lucille by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BUCKINGHAM, Thomas T. married Jun 25 1857 Henry Co, MO to BARKER, Harriet by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BUCKLEY, Jerry Dee (under age 21, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Nov 6 1959 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to DODSON, Frances LaVerne (under age 18, Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Mrs. Ethel M. Tye, mother of Frances LaVerne and Kenneth P. Buckley, father of Jerry Dee gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:49 BUCKLEY, Kenneth Payton (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 27 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to MITCHELL, Mary E. (Osceola, St. Clair Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:48 BUCKLEY, William H. married Nov 15 1857 Henry Co, MO to HARGRAVE, Mary Ann by S. D. Inman, J.P. - Williams HC Records BUDD, John married Jan 28 1866 St. Clair Co, MO to COPENHAVER, Sarah Ann - Williams SC Records BUELL, Noble Vance married Jun 20 1942 to ROBINSON, Genevieve J. by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BUKOVSKEY, James Michael (age 18, Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) married Mar 13 1975 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to McCLEES, Kimie Ann (Warsaw, Benton Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Lawrence Anthony and Renee Marcel Bukovskey, parents of James Michael gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:H Pg:77 BULLARD, Alfred married Jul 19 1838 St. Clair Co, MO to SMITH, Elizabeth (dau of John SMITH) by Obediah Smith, O.M. - marriage recorded in Henry Co, MO - Williams HC Records BULLARD, Wallace M. (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Dec 31 1960 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to NICHOLS, Bernice B. (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:66 BULLIN, William G. W. married Feb 9 1865 St. Clair Co, MO to ESTES, Nancy - Williams SC Records BUNCH, Charles C. married Sep 2 1858 Henry Co, MO to TANER, Ann Elizabeth by William Paul, J.P. - Williams HC Records BUNCH, E. R. married Jan 7 1866 St. Clair Co, MO to RUSSELL, Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BUNCH, Gene (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) married Jun 5 1947 to DAVIDSON, Blanch (Lowry City, St. Clair Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BUNCH, John married Sep 15 1839 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to TALLY, Nancy H. by John M. Reed, J.P. - Williams HC Records BUNCH, William P. married Dec 28 1865 St. Clair Co, MO to DUCKWORTH, Elizabeth - Williams SC Records BUNDY, Edward S. married Nov 19 1895 Montrose, Henry Co, MO to GARRIGAN, Mae A. by Rev. S. J. Walkup - Montrose Presbyterian BURCH, Alfred married Oct 12 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to HILL, Frances W. - Williams SC Records BURCH, Benjamin married Dec 1 1855 St. Clair Co, MO to METCALF, Martha - Williams SC Records BURCH, Cezar R. married May 13 1858 St. Clair Co, MO to ARBUCKLE, Agnes - Williams SC Records BURCH, David L. married Dec 18 1856 Henry Co, MO to FINKS, Frances by William C. Garrett, M.G. - Williams HC Records BURGE, Oscar F. (Bates Co, MO) married Aug 29 1858 Henry Co, MO to SMITH, Elizabeth (of Cooper Co, MO) by Amasa Jones, M.G. - Williams HC Records BURK, Chester (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 11 1963 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WEBER, Frances (Brownington, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:37 BURKE, James married Nov 25 1860 St. Clair Co, MO to DITTY, Milly - Williams SC Records BURKHART, John (son of Peter Burkhart, 1 mi E of Clinton, MO) married Aug 17 1921 Catholic Church, Henry Co, MO to WEST, Hattie (dau of William Smith, S of Calhoun, MO) by Rev. Father Donovan - HC Scrapbook Bk:1 Pg:0126 BURNETT, John married Jan 20 1839 Rives (Henry/St. Clair) Co, MO to BURNETT, Effariah by John M. Reid, J.P. - Williams HC Records BURNS, Cecil A. (Grandview, Jackson Co, MO) married Aug 15 1968 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SIZEMORE, Annie Lucille (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:F Pg:19 BURNS, Russell E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Feb 3 1951 to YOEMANS, Norma Jean (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BURNS, Tommy (Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO) married Oct 18 1953 to HAMBLIN, Nadine (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BURRESS, James M. married Apr 10 1862 Henry Co, MO to DUNCAN, M. M. - Online Records BURRIS, Sylvester married Oct 1880 Henry Co, MO to KNEISLEY, Jane - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BURTON, Daniel B. married Apr 25 1821 to HAYES, Zeririah H. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:560 BURTON, Garland K. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Mar 20 1955 to SKAGGS, Patricia Ann (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BURTON, Johnathan married Jul 24 1856 St. Clair Co, MO to BULLIN, Frances Jane - Williams SC Records BURTON, Lyman married Nov 28 1860 to McCALLEN, Isabel T. - HCMO 1883 History Pg:560 BURTON, Mr. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married May 9 1958 to JONES, Hope (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BURTON, Robert E. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 5 1954 to STRAW, Carol Ann (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Rev. Hugh Sperry - Sperry Journal BURTON, William H. married 1866 to COLLINS, Amanda - HCMO 1883 History Pg:559 BURWELL, Ernest (Independence, Jackson Co, MO) married Jun 23 1961 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RECTOR, Verda N. (Grain Valley, Jackson Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:81 BURWELL, Ernest Allen Jr. (under age 21, Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Jun 16 1972 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to CAREY, Wynona (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Ernest Allen Burwell Sr., father of Ernest Allen Jr. gave consent - Courthouse Weddings Bk:G Pg:58 BURWELL, James George (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) married Aug 21 1967 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to ELDRIDGE, Stella Frances (Windsor, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:E Pg:74 BUSH, Aaron T. married Dec 23 1856 Henry Co, MO to PARKS, Rebecca by William H. Schroeder, M.G. - Williams HC Records BUSHNELL, Emanuel married Oct 30 1855 Henry Co, MO to WATSON, Mary E. F. (of Brooklyn, NY) by William H. Smith, Min. - Williams HC Records BUTLER, Herbert V. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Oct 14 1961 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to WILSON, Martha J. (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:C Pg:88 BUTTON, John C. married Mar 6 1859 Henry Co, MO to McFADDEN, Martha by Rev. William Smith - Williams HC Records BUX, Otho married Dec 7 1851 Henry Co, MO to CLARK, Sarah by William B. Means, J.P. - Williams HC Records BUZAN, William married Nov 30 1862 Henry Co, MO to STEER, Frances - Online Records BYBEE, William M. married Jun 24 1861 St. Clair Co, MO to ALFRED, Lucy Ann - Williams SC Records BYERS, Peter J. married Dec 6 1854 Henry Co, MO to PINKSTON, Louisa by William A. Gray, O.M. - Williams HC Records BYERS, Robert married Apr 2 1861 Henry Co, MO to NORVAL, Martha by J. W. Bond, M.G. - Williams HC Records BYERS, William H. (Green Ridge, Pettis Co, MO) married Jun 12 1948 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to VANDEVEER, Nancy (White City, Morris Co, KS) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:A Pg:10 BYLER, William Dale (age 22, Springfield, Greene Co, MO) married May 5 1956 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to RIPPEE, Mary Kathleen (age 19, Springfield, Greene Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Courthouse Weddings Bk:B Pg:43 BYSER, John R. married Sep 1880 Henry Co, MO to HARNESS, Nancy E. - Date may be up to 90 days after the ceremony. - 1880 List of Marriages Date Filed BYSOR, John Lloyd (Clinton, Henry Co, MO) married Feb 21 1963 Courthouse, Henry Co, MO to SIZEMORE, Mary Evelyn (age 17, Deepwater, Henry Co, MO) by Mark Wilson, M.J. - Consent of bride's mother on file - Courthouse Weddings Bk:D Pg:15 |